TMD Technologies Division

Product Description Frequency (Min) (GHz) Frequency (Max) (GHz) Peak Power Output (W) Duty Cycle (%) Model Number
Broadband 1000 W TWT Transmitter PTX7485 8.0 18.0 1000 4 PTX7485
Broadband 200 W TWT Transmitter PTX7486 8.0 18.0 200 100 PTX7486
K-Band 100 W TWT Transmitter PTX9760 18.0 26.5 100 100 PTX9760
Ka-Band 120 W TWT Transmitter PTX9761 26.5 40.0 120 100 PTX9761
Low Noise C-Band 350 W TWT Transmitter PTX7514 5.8 6.7 350 100 PTX7514
Low Noise X-Band 4000 W TWT Transmitter PTX7722 9.0 10.0 4000 10 PTX7722
Low Noise X-Band 8000 W TWT Transmitter PTX7874 9.5 10.0 8000 25 PTX7874
S-Band 900 W TWT Transmitter PTX7443 3.1 3.5 900 15.5 PTX7443
S/C-Band 1000 W TWT Transmitter PTX7449 2.5 8.0 1000 6 PTX7449
Very Low Noise X-Band 8000 W TWT Transmitter PTX7981 9.0 9.5 8000 5 PTX7981
X-Band 3500 TWT Transmitter PTX7518 8.4 9.45 3500 10 PTX7518
X-Band 3500 W TWT Transmitter PTX7526 9.2 10.0 3500 10 PTX7526
X-Band 3600 W TWT Transmitter PTX7472 8.8 10.0 3600 10 PTX7472
X-Band 3600 W TWT Transmitter PTX7481 9.7 9.9 3600 10 PTX7481
X-Band 4000 W TWT Transmitter PTX7681 X-Band 4000 10 PTX7681
X-Band 8000 W TWT Transmitter PTX7468 9.0 9.5 8000 5 PTX7468
X-Band 8000 W TWT Transmitter PTX7547 9.0 9.5 8000 2 PTX7547
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