Microwave Power Products Division

Medical - PET
Product Description Emitter Cooling Eb,kV Ib,A Po (kW) Model Number
3CW20,000A7 water cooled Triode Thoriated Water 7.0 4.0 21.0
3CX10,000A7 air cooled Triode Thoriated Air 7.6 3.7 22.5
4CW10,000B water cooled Tetrode Thoriated Water 7.5 2.2 10.0
4CW25,000A water cooled Tetrode Thoriated Water 10.0 4.5 36.5
4CW50,000E water cooled Tetrode Thoriated Water 15.0 11.5 137.0
4CX5000A air cooled Tetrode Thoriated Air 7.5 2.8 12.5
YU-176A conduction cooled planar Triode Oxide Conduction 7.0 6.0 25.0
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